Eye drops, made in Japan
Drops to relieve eyes fatigue and redness Lion Smile Whiteye, 15 ml
Smile Whiteye
¥ 85.00
¥ 77.00
Drops to relieve eyes fatigue, dryness and redness Lion Smile 40EX Gold, 13 ml
¥ 73.00
¥ 65.00
FX Cool drops to relieve fatigue, dryness and redness of eyes, 15 ml
FX Cool
¥ 67.00
¥ 59.00
Japanese eye drops with vitamins Lion Smile 日本原装进口狮王smile40EX眼药水缓解眼部疲劳 滴眼液
Lion Smile 日本原装进口狮王smile40EX眼药水缓解眼部疲劳 滴眼
¥ 34.00
¥ 33.50
Japanese eye drops with vitamins.
Japanese eye drops with vitamins have begun to appear on the market more often - unique and healthy products with their own advantages and disadvantages. There are dozens of names of drops that are used in different cases: for allergies, dry eye syndrome, are prescribed to slow down the aging process. But those who decide to try this remedy need to prepare for certain difficulties.